Hahaha.. My first post for the year 2009..! XD..
Did not have time to wish You Merry Christmas.
So.. Merry Christmas..! XD..
Did not have the time to wish You Happy New Year..
So.. Happy New Year..!! 2009 man.. XD..
sorry again.. for not wishing...
Happy School Reopen.!
A nightmare wei..
SPM YEAR..................................... AAAHHHHHHH.................!!!!
hahaha.. *over* XD..
wait. there's some more..
why rush la? XD.
My Last day of work..
was on 3rd of Jan 09.. haha..
we went to Neway..! and celebrate our last day.. XD..
So i have some pic to share.. XD..
but i mix also all da pic that i took during working time.. haha.

Suki, Yoyo, Ah Man n Moon..

Yoyo, Watashi n Ah Man..!

Look.. They so Lc wei.. XD..

2 leng lui.. wah..

wah.. leng lui n.. eh.. leng zai..? XD

2 Sa Po.. = ="

see.. they so happy.. ^^

Peace. Peace. everyone peace. haha.

Shout..!! Sing..!! yeah!

the situation gone out of control.! haha.

Gazebo's best promoter.. XD..

*chiang chiang chiang~~*
our senior in working n singing too..! XD..

And since we pay for it..
We take as much as we can..!! Buaahahahaha..

we have sushi la. ice-cream la. fried wan tan la. fried mee la. curry fishball la.
hor fun la. curry squid la. cup cake la. n many la. XD.. *the la* haha
And coming up next..

Watashi n Mary..! High christmas hat. haha.

Watashi and Carmen. hehe.

Watashi and Winnie. the pooh. haha..

Watashi and Vicky. hey.
she so leng lui after since her was cut wei. Cun! >

Watashi and Mei Ling.

Ah Man and The Biggest Leng lui of ALL.
Nicky...!!!!! *claps claps*
she is really well known in Sg Wang. For her Beauty. XD.

Watashi and Her BIGGEST BAO BEI..
VIVI..!!! Muackzzz..! haha.

Zhi Lian-ing~ hehe.

haha. look at her hair.. so funny. XD..

Not just a cake. Is a Birthday Cake! You all knew it right? XD.
Is Moon's birthday! on 31 of Dec. Let's Countdown.! XD.

Moon cutting cake wei. XD..
Look at our supervisor. her mouth is wide open n saliva leaking out of it.. XD..
WAIT..~ rupa-rupanya, Yeng is aiming at Moon's strawberry.. heh.

Gazebo Gang. say cheese~~

Our Boss, Mr.Yaw n Moon, The Store Supervisor. hehe.

Aww. They are blessing each other.. so sweet~ XD.

Saw tis? lol..
Is the cross necklace. Watashi n my Bao bei bought together during the last day of 2008.
hehe. *31 Dec*

The white 1 is my bao bei wan, the middle is Joey's and the last is mine. haha.

some random shots of it. hehe..

That's the end of 2008.
A New Year has begun.
No Turning Back.
Welcome 2009.