Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Papers. Been facing all this white papers printed with different name.

And 'wonderful things' happened when Im with this white paper.

The Paper named Mathematics.

Humans. 3 x 2 = ?. Easy. The answer is 6 right?
Who can ever calculate that 3 x 2 = 12 ? = =". Yes. That's me.
There goes my marks, fly away from me. T_T.

Then Add Math. Oh God. Kill me! Kill me. I want to die. T_T.

Then. Physics. AGAIN. I Want to Die.

Aahghhhhhhhhhhhhh. As long is papers to do with calculations I dont want to stay near it and I want to stab it and divide them into pieces and burn them! Then buried their ash in the deep sea. So they wont never exist!

T_T. I really hate calculations. T_T.

Continue to face the other papers till 16th Sept. Bye. T_T.

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