Sunday, August 9, 2009

9/8's Horoscope.

Lucky day: Tuesday. Lucky colour: Pale pink. Lucky number: 22.
Unrealistic expectations may cause problems, or you make an unwise choice. Extra money may also be spent. you may fell pressured to live up to obligations that you'd rather not deal with. Truth is, everything is happening as it should - but in its own way, and in its own time.

Lucky day: Tuesday. Lucky colour: Black. Lucky number: 5.
This is a time for guarded process. While your love life's definitely on the improve, there are loose ends that still need tidying. Areas for caution include relationships - where you can expect the trickle-down effect of a partner's stress. This week is all about your ability to love - unconditionally.

How great it is if everything you imagined or planned goes just the way it is.

But things do fall out of places. - Sometimes.

And I dont really the way it is.

But let it be.

Im nothing and no one to stop it.



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