come on.. i juz wanna put some pic from bali.. n i need 2 wait tat longggggggggg... My Gosh..!!! *faint* arghh..! never mind.. dun giv a damn.. Actually i wanted 2 post tis so longgg ago.. but i cant.. you noe y rite..? coz my blog skin is not done yet..! but.. well.. as u can see now.. Is Done..! wahhhhhhhhh.. i cant stop admiring it.. XD.. Though is juz still beginner.. XD..
Anyway.. On da 1st day.. Me n mum did not do much.. we juz hang around in the hotel.. watching tv.. XD.. but we do went 2 sum interesting places.. like the Balinese old hse.. They still maintain it.. u shud admire them.. they still using wood 2 produce fire n cook. XD..
N we went 2 the celuk village.. is not exactly a village.. is juz a shop.. selling all da silver silver stuff.. n so called the most 'cheap' n 'quality' silver.. we 've got nthg from there.. *sigh* XD..
Then we went all da way up to the mountain 2 see da volcano.. *yeah!*
before tat, we stop by to visit a very freshing.. em.. garden..? farm..? aiya.. don't know la..
a garden/farm tat produce coffen beans.. n powder aso.. by.. using da traditional way.. aiyo.. see da photo la.. XD..
THEN.. when we are about to see da volcano.. = =.. here comes Mr.Fog..
From tat point, Uncle Pari said, "woh, maybe we cant see da volcano 2day.. coz fog is covering.."
.... I so DamN Piss Off.. Wat im awaiting is juz da Volcano.. T.T..
Oh ya.. Uncle Pari is our guide.. Hehe.. he brought my mum n me visit almoz da whole Kuta city.. XD..
La.. story still long la.. juz skip la.. XD..
Then.. on da.. eh.. 3rd or 4th day ar..? we met 1 very special couple..
They are Uncle n Aunty Irene..!! wow.. They both are Lovely.. ^^.. i MISS them.. T.T..
we them at da hotel's swimming pool.. We swam 2gether.. Hehe.. well.. Uncle dunno how 2 swim.. XD.. But he is stilll adoreable.. XD..
Ya.. 1 THG.. u MUZ NOE.. me n mum is having breakfast.. u noe whr..?
our hotel.. All Seasons Hotel.. for Exactly the 4 days we r there..
= =.. well.. da food is ok.. but is juz.. (dont mention.. PLeaseeee...)
Oh ya.. N in Bali.. U r not goin 2 met any Balinese.. but.. u r meeting.. a LOTS of Mat Salleh thr..!! There r Thousand of them.. N everywhr u go.. all da waiter or sales girl.. will definitely.. Speak English..!! Not like sum Malaysians.. Who cant even Pronounce a single word.. *sigh*
gambateh.. Malaysia Boleh.. Rite..?
Anah.. is too long la.. sum more pic le..? lolz..
juz ending wit.. on da aeroplane.. in BUSSINESS CLASS site.. XD..
We met a korean air-stewardess.. wah.. she was so pretty..! n 1 interesting is.. she's a KOrean.. wah.. 1st for me.. she chatted wit me.. n my mum took a pic of her n me.. T.T.. i miss her too.. XD.. Ok la.. enuf la.. humans wanna faint liao la.. XD..
But.. Juz 1 moreee thg..
4 da 8 days.. include before goin 2 Bali n after cuming back..
Im having a FEVER la, COUGH la, FLU la, SORE THROAT la.. n those crap la..
tat cause me when im enjoying my meal.. i felt nthg.. = =.. unless is very very salty or sweet.. = =.. *sob sob* cant taste da food properly aso.. T.T..
OK la.. finish da crapping la.. Enjoy da Photos.. I captured from Bali.. Dun BLINK ur EYES.. XD..
though we missed da volcano.. but.. we still get 2 grab sum of da volcano sand..
i brought it back..! buy from me..! XD..
our last Dinner in Bali.. Hard Rock Cafe..! 4 Free..!!

A pic of watashi n ms Su Bin.. She's pretty..
n me..? like old lady liddat.. =.='..
WOW..! IM DONE.. WIT MY CRAPPING.. NICE..? lolz.. can barely stand it.. haha.. XD..
N ya.. who said Bali was HOT..? IS COLD over THERE.. im Wearing jacket where ever i go..
DUN.. ever say.. Bali is HOT.. NOOO.. is not.. XD.. i MIss BALI.. ^^..

though we missed da volcano.. but.. we still get 2 grab sum of da volcano sand..
i brought it back..! buy from me..! XD..
our last Dinner in Bali.. Hard Rock Cafe..! 4 Free..!!

A pic of watashi n ms Su Bin.. She's pretty..
n me..? like old lady liddat.. =.='..
WOW..! IM DONE.. WIT MY CRAPPING.. NICE..? lolz.. can barely stand it.. haha.. XD..
N ya.. who said Bali was HOT..? IS COLD over THERE.. im Wearing jacket where ever i go..
DUN.. ever say.. Bali is HOT.. NOOO.. is not.. XD.. i MIss BALI.. ^^..
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