haha.. im back..! u gals miss me...??
lol.. i noe i noe.. u miss me.. haha.. XD..
WALAO..! so fun.. 1st time man..!
watashi, huixin, amanda and artisha..
we met some new friends..!
they are from johor..
haha.. see..
the world is so small..
they consist of 2 form 2 gurl, 1 form 3 gurl, 1 form 4 gurl n 1 form 3 guy..
haha.. nice rite..? they are very funny..! n nice..!
ill introduce to u..!! hehe..

usss..!! hehe..
here now.. the real crime..
they climbed to the boat.. is locked k..!
they 'panjat' tat.. eh.. silver long thg..! XD..

alah.. act cool pulak..
after we all ss or acting org gila merayau..
then we went back to our hotel..
all tired liao.. macam back from world war.. haha..
then.. then next day...
me, xin, me bro, bro fren n mummy..
we went shopping..!! hehe..

alah.. i so leng lui.. XD..
before we really walk out from bum city..
we took some 'nice' pic..
please enjoy it.. ^^..

oh no..!! cannot control liao..! *faints*
alah.. anah.. play play oni la.. haha..
eh.. dont sue her la.. pity her la.. no human let her touch.. so mai cari.. aiya .. u noe la.. XD..
and ya.. 1 more thg..
do u noe how long we waited for the stupid hotel check in..??
more than 1 hour man..! killing meh..?
so xin xin aso oioi for a while lo.. hehe..

u see.. tisha still can pose.. lolz..
too bad.. i dont have hx's pic..
coz.. she is sexy tat time..! she is sleeveless..!! XD..

last place we visited.. the mushroom farm..
n hx nvr see chicken before..
so she wanted to take pic with them.. lolz..

can u see how happy is her..? lolz..
anah.. so much for now la.. since is soo long tis post.. i feel.. haha..
n ya.. on da 1st day.. before we went to the cinema..
we went to the highland hotel bakery.. n we met a tb..!!
she is so handsome n cute..!! my gosh..! pengsan..
lol.. but she is leng lui aso la.. haha..
then manda n me like wanna take pic liddat..
but of course we nvr did that kind of action la.. haha..
we gentle woman ma.. kononnya.. XD..
haha.. k la.. the rest i update more la..
haha.. dun get shock..
i still have a lot of nice pic oh.. XD..
hehe.. tats all..
nitez my dears..
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